“The longer I live, the more certain I am that the universe knew that we were coming.” This story begins at the dawn of time. The house we lived in had no walls and spread over eleven floors and a secret attic. Invisible spiral stairs led to the attic, which I could only sense, but…Continue Reading “Island Diaries Ep4: Link between your grandma’s tablecloth and the origins of humankind”

*Ovaj tekst možete čitati i u letnjem broju Plezir magazina. Pakujem se u najveći kofer koji posedujem i letim sama daleko. Ovo se desilo beskonačno puta. Danas  međutim, sve u meni i preda mnom je drugačije. Atlantik sam preletela sa 24 godine, a danas, sa 34, prelećem Indijski okean. Varnice uzbuđenja zamenjene su talasima tihog…Continue Reading “Singapur: Tajni jezik cveća i mašina”

If you are hearing mysterious voices, before claiming yourself crazy, remember Harry Potter. When he was being persuaded by an unknown entity to kill and destroy, he restrained himself from killing for long enough to find out that there was a snake living in the wall – slithering through pipes, basically talking to itself. So…Continue Reading “Island Diaries Ep3: The secret pleasure of losing tongue abilities”

Kičma mog bivstvovanja u poslednje vreme, koja ume da postoji samo danas i sad i tako mi donosi spoznaju ćivota u njegovom punom sjaju mi isto tako sabotira planove da uradim bilo šta smisleno i normalno, što inače smara pa nije ni važno, ali patnja nastaje kad želim da prenesem svojima trans ili osećaj vezan…Continue Reading “Kolumbija I – Manikir za postojanje neće da se seli”